Saturday, November 19, 2011

Samantha & Martin {Portrait}

I know, right? A-dor-a-ble! This photoshoot was fun and new for me! Samantha found me through my facebook page, so this was my first photoshoot with people I didn't know, or didn't really have a connection through. So I am so thrilled that my name is getting out there and that Samantha emailed me up! Samantha and I had tried to arrange this photoshoot a week ago, but because of our valley weather (aka Rain Town), we had to postpone until this weekend (aka Ice Town). Which ended up working out really well, because I finally had my lens back and the weather was beauuuuutiful, but cold! Samantha and Martin, thanks for being patient and waiting for the perfect day, and braving the cold. Dallas is such a beautiful and happy little boy! He totally loved the camera and I loved his outfit. I'm so glad that you contacted me and I hope that you enjoy the photos and that they can be something you cherish for a long long time. 

He is sooo cute! Seriously. 

I asked these new parents if they wanted some of just them, so I held Dallas while we shot a couple of just mommy and daddy :)

Last photo of the day. He did so well and it was so cold, I don't blame him for wanting to warm up under a furry blanket and have a nap.... that may or may not have been what I did after as well :p...

Thanks guys for a great day. You guys were awesome!


  1. awwwww these are so precious Kel, nice job!

  2. thats so pretty! you are an awesome photographer and i love these photos!

  3. Wow!! Great photography and capturing moments!! You ARE AN AWESOME photographer!!

  4. Oh my goodness.....what a good looking family. I kept saying to myself "oh this is my favorite"...and then another great picture came up! Sweet child! Wonderful keepsake album!
